gtag('config', 'AW-16835284407'); About Trak Armour – TRAK ARMOUR

About Trak Armour

TRAK ARMOUR is the brainchild of a Melbourne carpenter Josh.

Tired of transporting his track saw rail in a cumbersome wooden box, clumsily duct taped levels and straight edges to the roof of his car and trailer, he started looking for way to make his life easier. 

We feel some of the best products are the ones that are not created in the board room from cooperate giants looking for the next ticketed item to hit the shelf, its the ones like this trak armour box that was design and created from a need.

A brain stormed idea to make life easer that's designed by tradesman , built for tradesman, used by all tradesman. 

Enter TRAK ARMOUR: Australia's first lightweight, UV resistant solution to transporting and carrying your guide rails, levels, straightedges or other long items! With handles and locks for ease of movement and safety, no more will tradies have to deal with rotting wood and unsightly tape, PVC pipe and tie downs holding those costly items to the roof rack. Not to mention the cost of rolls of tape a few time a day and the down time. 

TRAK ARMOUR can be attached with screws / bolts directly to your roof racks or trailers.

If you have any questions regarding installation please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions at